Qunit Technologies Pvt Ltd


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Learn how Qunit services can help you to improve your business continuity plan and Disaster Recovery Planning

Overview : Assisting Your Journey to BCP

Business Continuity Planning (BCP) is a proactive approach that organizations adopt to ensure the continuity of critical business operations during disruptive events. It involves identifying potential risks and vulnerabilities, developing strategies, and implementing measures to minimize downtime and mitigate the impact of disruptions.

ISO 27001

What is ISO 27001?

ISO 27001 is a globally recognized security standard that provides a framework for establishing an effective Information Security Management System (ISMS). It is part of the ISO/IEC 27000 series of standards published by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) and International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC).

The ISO 27001 standard focuses on technical risk management controls and helps organizations establish, implement, operate, monitor, review, maintain, and improve their ISMS. It takes a risk-based and technology-neutral approach, allowing organizations to tailor their security controls according to their specific risks and needs.

Rather than prescribing a fixed list of controls, ISO 27001 provides a checklist of measures to consider and offers best practice recommendations outlined in ISO 27002. This flexible approach enables organizations to implement controls that align with their unique security requirements.

Even if your organization is not pursuing full ISO 27001 certification, familiarizing yourself with the standard and its controls is essential for following security best practices. Understanding the guidelines can help ensure that your organization adopts effective security measures and safeguards sensitive information.


ISO 27001 Annex A controls


BCP requirements

At our company, we follow a systematic approach to develop a robust Business Continuity Planning (BCP) strategy tailored to your organization’s needs. Our methodology includes the following steps:

Business Impact Analysis (BIA)

Risk Assessment

Strategy Development

Plan Documentation

Testing and Exercising

Maintenance and Review

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Enhanced Risk Management
Minimize Downtime
Stakeholder Confidence
Protect Reputation
Regulatory Compliance


Our Approach to ISO/IEC 27001 Compliance

Conduct an in-depth assessment of your current information security practices and identify gaps in compliance with ISO/IEC 27001 requirements.

Develop tailored information security policies, procedures, and controls to align with ISO/IEC 27001 standards.

Evaluate the risks to your information assets and develop a risk management framework to prioritize mitigation efforts.

Provide guidance and support during the implementation phase, assisting in the establishment of an effective ISMS.

Conduct internal audits to evaluate the effectiveness of your ISMS and ensure readiness for ISO/IEC 27001 certification.

Assessing the security of APIs and web services used by the mobile app to ensure they are properly secured against common vulnerabilities, such as injection attacks or insufficient access controls.

Reviewing how the mobile app stores and handles sensitive data, including personal user information, to ensure compliance with privacy regulations and best practices.

Providing a comprehensive report that details identified vulnerabilities, their severity, and recommended remediation steps. The report helps organizations prioritize security improvements and enhance the overall security of their mobile applications.


Why choose Qunit?

Overview : Assisting Your Journey to DRP

Disaster Recovery Planning (DRP) focuses specifically on the recovery of IT systems and data following a disruptive event. It involves developing strategies and procedures to restore critical systems, data, and infrastructure to minimize downtime and ensure business continuity.


DRP requirements

Our DRP methodology follows industry best practices and includes the following key steps:

Risk Assessment

Recovery Objectives

Strategy Development

Plan Documentation

Testing and Validation

Continuous Improvement


Protect Business Operations
Reduce Downtime
Maintain Customer Trust
Minimize Data Loss

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) - BCP/DRP

BCP focuses on ensuring the continuity of critical business operations during disruptive events, while DRP specifically addresses the recovery of IT systems and data following a disruptive event.

BCP helps organizations minimize downtime during disruptive events, ensuring the continuity of critical business operations and minimizing financial losses.

It protects the organization’s reputation, maintains customer trust, and ensures compliance with regulatory requirements.

BCP enhances risk management by proactively identifying and mitigating potential risks and vulnerabilities.

The goal of DRP is to restore critical IT systems, data, and infrastructure following a disruptive event, minimizing downtime and ensuring the continuity of business operations.

DRP helps organizations minimize data loss through reliable backup and recovery mechanisms.

It reduces downtime by implementing efficient recovery strategies and procedures, allowing for quick resumption of normal operations.

DRP safeguards critical IT systems, protecting the organization’s business operations during and after disruptive events.

It helps organizations meet regulatory requirements related to data protection, business continuity, and disaster recovery.

Business Impact Analysis (BIA): Assessing the criticality of business processes and identifying vulnerabilities and recovery time objectives (RTOs).

Risk Assessment: Identifying and analyzing potential risks and threats that could disrupt business operations.

Strategy Development: Developing a comprehensive BCP strategy with preventive, detective, and corrective measures.

Plan Documentation: Documenting roles, responsibilities, communication protocols, and recovery procedures.

Testing and Exercising: Conducting regular tests and exercises to validate the effectiveness of the BCP.

Maintenance and Review: Regularly reviewing and updating the BCP to incorporate changes and identified risks.

Risk Assessment: Identifying potential risks and vulnerabilities that could affect IT systems and data availability.

Recovery Objectives: Defining recovery time objectives (RTOs) and recovery point objectives (RPOs) aligned with business requirements.

Strategy Development: Developing recovery strategies, backup and restoration plans, failover mechanisms, and alternate site arrangements.

Plan Documentation: Documenting step-by-step procedures for system recovery, data restoration, and resumption of IT operations.

Testing and Validation: Conducting regular tests and simulations to validate the effectiveness of the DRP.

Continuous Improvement: Continuously reviewing and updating the DRP based on lessons learned, technology changes, and evolving threats.


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